Selling your home?

Oh my, how our homes quickly capture our hearts! But guess what: when you are selling your home, you have to take every drop of emotion out of the equation. It has to become a complete and utter business decision, to keep your sanity.


Selling Logically Isn’t Easy

Rarely does anyone take all the emotion out of selling. In fact, it’s almost impossible for the average seller. I know this because even though every day I preach these things to my valued customers, I fall in that category! It’s worth an astronomical amount more than what it is! Sometimes, I overvalue my own property, even though I am a realtor! But I’m human and my home has a lot of great memories and projects we have completed during the first 5 years of marriage!

If a professional came in and told me my home was worth less, I would run them out of my house! Not really, but I would be offended because my house is perfect in my opinion. We fix everything that needs to be fixed, but I know there ARE things that aren’t to code anymore. Those things tend to be spaces I can’t see such as the crawl space and attic. Lastly, I’m not a contractor so there may be issues that need to be addressed to make a buyer feel comfortable with their purchase.

If you’re selling your home, start the emotional processes of pulling away and thinking of your home as more of a habitat.  Get outside opinions from honest friends and family members. Finally, call me and I will help you get an idea of what your home will bring in today’s market. If priced right and in great condition, the home should surely sell fast in today’s busy seller’s market!

Written by Natalie Stout, The Realty Firm

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