Pothos Ivy

I know what you’re thinking, no this is not to be confused with Poison Ivy, that wouldn’t be a pleasant house plant for anyone! This plant is a great air purifier that strips the air in your home of any toxins such as formaldehyde that can be found in carpets. These plants can be in a normal planter or hanging planter and can live in an array of different temperature enviorments.

Aloe Plant

As you may know, this plant has medicinal properties that have been used to heal burns for hundreds of years. It can also grow 3-feet high, if that’s too big for your living room you can invest in the smaller Aloe Vera, which work great in small, sunny indoor spaces. This resilient plant who’s natural enviorment is the dessert, prefers dry soil with temperatures of 70 degrees year round and little watering.


Spider Plant

These plants add variety to a room based off of their look. Spider plants do well with even watering, moist soil, and medium to high lighting conditions. They prefer temperatures of 60 to 75 degrees keep them happy in your home.

English Ivy

This ivy adds a timeless and elegant look to any room. Not only is it an easy way to spruce up your interior but it’s super easy to plant more, just snip off a stem and plant (it takes approx. 2 weeks to start growing)! This plant prefers cooler temperatures between 50 to 70 degrees and a moist soil bed. 

Jade Plant

Being a succulent, the Jade plant can live a long life with a dry soil bed and normal room temperatures (70 degrees) with a good amount of sunlight. There’s not much to these, they’re just easy!

Rubber Tree

This plant can grow into an 8 foot tall indoor tree, if you prefer a smaller tree you can always trim the stems back for a shrublook. They prefer medium to bright light, temperatures between 60 to 80 degrees, and like their soil to dry out between waterings. An added bonus, their dark leaves give off a shiny finish.

Peace Lily

You’ve probrably seen this plant around someone’s home. This houseplant is relativly easy to keep as it thrives in low light, making it great for rooms with few windows. It prefers moist soil bed in the pot and likes normal temperatures up to 85 degrees.

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